Patient resources
Insurance Information
We accept most insurances with some of the major ones listed below. Some insurances will cover routine eye care while others will cover your visit for medical reasons, which include, but are not limited to: glaucoma, cataracts, red eyes, hypertension and diabetes. If you are unsure of your coverage it is best to contact your carrier.
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Cigna PPO
Davis Vision
Eyemed Vision Care
Keystone 65
School Claims
Teamsters Health and Welfare
United Healthcare
Vision Benefits of America
Vision Service Plan (VSP) Premier Provider
Healthcare Access
Providing specialized healthcare services to qualified individuals
“We never expected to be in the situation to need such services, but we are truly thankful that you were there to help when needed.”Our client’s satisfaction is what motivates us each day.

If you are uninsured or under-insured and live in the Greater Phoenixville area, we may be able to help you too.
If you qualify (this may be determined over the phone), we may be able to connect you with Village Optical, one of the preferred vision providers within our network. They will perform a comprehensive eye exam, and if needed, provide you with glasses for a small copayment.
In addition to the Vision Program, Health Care Access also has Dental, Prescription, and Mammogram Programs that will help get your infected tooth pulled, make sure you have access to your daily medications, and that all individuals receive mammograms as determined necessary by a primary care physician. If you live within the 19 boroughs and townships surrounding Phoenixville, have limited or no insurance, and meet our financial qualifications, then you might just be our next client!
New Patients
Welcome to Village Optical. We are glad you have chosen us as your new family eyecare specialists.
To help streamline your first visit, please complete and sign the following forms and bring them with you to your appointment. This will expedite your appointment and save you valuable time.
At Village Optical, we understand the importance of clear vision and eye health and we’re here to provide comprehensive answers to address any questions you may have.Explore our FAQs below to find the information you need, and feel free to reach out to our team if you require further assistance.
We recommend that everyone have a full eye exam once a year regardless of your age or eyesight.
Optometrists are primary health care providers who examine, diagnose, treat, and manage diseases and disorders of the visual system, the eye and associated structures, as well as diagnose related systemic conditions.
20/20 vision describes visual acuity, or central vision. It is a measure of the sharpness of central vision at 20 feet from an object. It is expressed as a fraction, where the top number indicates the test distance, and the bottom number indicates the distance that an eye with “normal” vision would be able to read the same line. It is possible to have better than 20/20 vision.
Vision disorders are a common pediatric health problem in the United States. I recommend that all children receive a comprehensive eye and vision exam to assess and treat any deficiencies in ocular health, visual acuity, refractive status and binocular vision prior to entering school. It is recommended that children have a comprehensive examination at age 3, and another examination before entering 1st grade.
We accept almost all major insurance plans. To inquire about a specific plan, please contact us by telephone or email.
Whether it is sunny or cloudy and despite the season your eyes are exposed to (Ultra-violet) UV rays. These rays from the sun are invisible to the eye and can lead to serious eye health problems, such as cataracts and damaged retinas.
Floaters are little “spider webs” in your vision. This is most noticeable when looking at a bright background like a blue sky. Floaters occur as part of the natural aging process of the gel-like substance (vitreous) that fills your eye. Normally, floaters are simply an annoyance not requiring treatment. However, there are other serious causes of floaters, (including retinal detachment) which can cause blindness. If you experiences a sudden increase in floaters or flashes of light should see an eye doctor immediately.
Macular Degeneration is a deterioration of the maclela (a portion of the retina at the back of the eye), which is responsible for clear, sharp vision. It is the leading cause of legal blindness in America.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that is caused by a build up of fluid in the eye as a result of it not draining properly. Unfortunately, it is not a curable disease, but if detected early it can be slowed down. This disease affects between 3 and 4 million Americans.
A stye (hordeolum) is a small lump that appears on the eyelid or at the base of an eyelash typically resulingt from the clogging of the oil glands around the eyelashes. They are usually harmless, although they do cause redness, tenderness, pain, and lid swelling in the affected area. Please consult your eye doctor if the stye does not resolve quickly or is getting worse.
Color vision deficiency (“color blindness”) means that your ability to distinguish some colors and shades is less than normal. It occurs when the color-sensitive cone cells in your eyes do not properly pick up or send the proper color signals to your brain. It is more common in men than women, and there are several forms. Since many learning materials are color-coded, it is important to diagnose color vision deficiency early in life, through a comprehensive eye exam.
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